Mentions Légales
About the site
For the Drama is a non-market site promoting the activity "role-playing"
It is neither a company, nor an association nor a game publisher.
Contact: matthieu [ at ] mateline . fr
Site manager: Matthieu Braboszcz
2 kellermann street
BP 80157
59053 ROUBAIX Cedex 1
+33 (0)8 203 203 203 63
Code APE 6202A
VAT NO.: EN 22 424 761 419
The texts and games presented on this site belong to their respective authors.The main illustration on the home page is the work of Guillaume Jentey. Guillaume's blog with all his creations:
The games made available on this platform are based on the game For The Queen created by Alex Roberts and published by Evil Hat Production under license Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.
For the Queen(tm) is a registered trademark of Alex Roberts.
Evil Hat Production:
Alex Roberts:
For the Queen and Descended from the Queen license:
See license
Privacy and privacy policy
In accordance with articles 39 and following of the amended law of 6 January 1978, the user has a right of access and rectification to the information concerning him/her. If you wish to exercise this right and obtain information about yourself, you can contact us by email at matthieu [ at ] mateline . fr.
For the Drama collects personal datas when you browse her pages
What data is collected and why?
When you visit this website, cookies, server logs and other methods collect your data. This data makes it possible to establish statistics on website usage, optimize the site, debug the site to detect possible errors, and in general, are used to ensure the proper functioning of the site.
For the Drama uses the Google Analytics service.
Concerning your personal data (emails, surname, first name): none of this data is collected when browsing the pages of the website.
How to modify, view, download and delete my data ?
You can also contact me directly by email matthieu [ at ] mateline . fr for any additional information or request for help regarding personal data.
Where is your data stored?
All personal data stored by For the Drama are hosted by OVH in France.
Third party calls
The third party services called are: jQuery, Pusher and Google Analytics. Other third-party services may also be called.
Cookies management
We use persistent cookies to improve the user experience. These cookies are stored on your computer even after closing your browser and are reused on future visits to our sites. We also use cookies to better understand how you interact with our sites and services and to improve them.
Affiliation and advertising
Backups and backup storage
Backups of all data are made every day. They are stored securely on servers belonging to OVH.
Free service
We pay particular attention to ensuring that this application remains free of charge. The games offered are also available and will remain so. The authors accept this principle of free access to their games by publishing them on this application.
Contact and request for your personal data
matthieu [ at ] mateline . fr